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My Medicare Supplement (Medigap) premium increased, can I change my plan?

  • Medicare with Melissa

Should I consider switching my Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plan?

There is a huge price range for Medicare Supplement (Medigap) policies, and you may be able to save by switching. Insurers cannot reject you or charge more because of preexisting conditions if you buy a policy within six months of signing up for Medicare Part B. But after that, your health can affect your costs and coverage options. If you are healthy, you may qualify for a better priced plan with another company.  

There are five reasons you may want to switch Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans:  

  1. Your plan had a rate increase
  2. You are paying for benefits that you are not using
  3. You need more benefits
  4. You want a plan that costs less
  5. You are not happy with your current insurance company


You can change Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans at any time. You do not have to wait to change plans. When you change plans, you might not be a guarantee issue.  

What can I expect when I change my Medicare Supplement (Medigap Plan)?

  1. You will pay a lower premium
  2. You will receive a new policy card with different company logo
  3. Continue to see the same doctors
  4. Medicare still makes claims decisions, not the insurance carrier
  5. Enjoy the savings!

If you decide to switch plans, do not cancel your current policy until you have been approved by your second policy. Our agency makes the process of getting a quote and enrolling into a new company and/or plan simple. Most of it can be done over the phone in a matter of 15 minutes. We always encourage our clients to shop new rates, as you really have nothing to lose by switching, if it can save you money and you still receive the benefits you need and/or want! 

Learn More: How do insurance companies price Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans?

Popular Search: Medigap Plans in my area

People Also Read: Comparison: Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Plans vs Medicare Advantage Plans

Meet Melissa MacCalla

Medicare is not simple and can be hard, frustrating, and downright confusing for most. I love when I get someone on the phone and I am given the opportunity to explain the difference in plans to them and have Medicare make sense. I enjoy talking to clients year after year, hearing about their families growing or them asking about mine.


Oh my gosh!! I was so confused about the Medicare Supplement process. I am turning 65 soon and am retired and have always had insurance thru my former employer. I didn’t know a thing about going on Medicare and was struggling to sort it all out.

A friend of mine recommended contacting Senior HealthCare Solutions, so I did. Melissa was FANTASTIC!! She was professional, responsive, caring and friendly. She explained the steps I needed to take, gathered my information, helped me choose good plans for MY specific needs and took care of my applications over the phone. 1-2-3, eesy-peesy and I was done!! And it didn’t cost me a DIME!!! WOW!!! I HIGHLY recommend Senior Healthcare Solutions for anyone who’s overwhelmed with making the right choices with Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Rx coverage. It’ll take a load off your mind!

Janice W.

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