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Durable Medical Equipment Covered By Medicare

  • Medicare with Melissa

Medicare covers a wide range of services and items, including various types of durable medical equipment (DME). Understanding what qualifies as durable medical equipment is critical because Medicare uses this classification to determine what it will cover. Therefore, it’s important for you to know the Medicare eligibility criteria, so you can get help paying for the medical items you need. Keep reading to discover more about Medicare’s coverage for durable medical equipment, including common items that aren’t covered, as well as other types of Medicare plans that can limit your out-of-pocket expenses.

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What Durable Medical Equipment Does Medicare Cover?

Medicare doesn’t cover all durable medical equipment. Coverage is only granted when the equipment is deemed medically necessary by your healthcare provider. This means the equipment must contribute directly to treating or managing a specific medical condition. If you require durable medical equipment that doesn’t meet Medicare’s coverage criteria, be prepared to pay the full cost of the equipment.

Among the durable medical equipment that Medicare does cover are some key items that provide substantial support for various health conditions. Individuals managing diabetes can expect Medicare to cover glucose monitors and strips, crucial tools in the day-to-day monitoring of blood sugar levels. Similarly, lancet devices and lancets, which are used to prick the skin for blood samples, are also covered.

If you have mobility issues, Medicare covers various equipment to aid your movement. These items include walkers, wheelchairs, and scooters, which help beneficiaries to navigate their surroundings more comfortably and safely. For those who need additional support at home, Medicare covers hospital beds and commode chairs. These can significantly enhance comfort and functionality within your living space.

For patients dealing with respiratory issues, Medicare covers vital equipment such as oxygen equipment and accessories and Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) devices. These machines can significantly improve quality of life by ensuring that your body gets the oxygen it needs or by helping you sleep more soundly without disruptions from sleep apnea. Suction pumps, which help clear airways, are also covered.

Prosthetics, which are artificial devices that replace a missing body part, are also on the list. These could range from artificial limbs to breast prostheses following a mastectomy.

However, remember that the above list doesn’t capture every single durable medical equipment covered by Medicare. Coverage varies depending on individual needs and circumstances, which is why it’s essential to consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before acquiring a device. By doing so, you can avoid unexpected out-of-pocket expenses.

What Durable Medical Equipment Is Not Covered By Medicare?

While Original Medicare provides coverage for a substantial array of medical equipment, there are specific items and supplies that are not included. Understanding what falls outside Medicare’s coverage can save you from unforeseen expenses and ensure you’re adequately prepared for your healthcare needs.

Medicare doesn’t cover equipment that is meant merely for comfort or convenience. This includes items such as stairway elevators and air conditioners. While these can significantly enhance your living conditions, they’re not directly linked to treating a specific medical condition. Similarly, specialized toilet seats that provide increased comfort but are not medically necessary also fall into this category.

Disposable items are another category that Medicare doesn’t cover. This includes items such as incontinence pads, face masks, and compression stockings. Although these supplies can be essential for managing certain health conditions, their one-time use nature doesn’t fall under Medicare’s definition of durable medical equipment.

In addition, modifications made to your home for better mobility or access, like ramps or wider doors for wheelchair accessibility, are not covered by Medicare. Despite these modifications possibly being critical for your mobility and quality of life, Medicare views them as home improvements rather than medical necessities.

It’s always recommended to consult with your healthcare provider and discuss your needs and potential equipment options to fully understand what is and isn’t covered by Medicare. You can also speak with a licensed agent at 866-MEDIGAP (866-633-4427) for additional help.

Eligibility Criteria for Durable Medical Equipment

Understanding the specifics of the eligibility criteria for Medicare coverage of durable medical equipment is crucial. While it’s a given that the durable medical equipment needs to be prescribed by a doctor who participates in Medicare and sourced from a supplier that accepts Medicare, there are additional stipulations that Medicare requires you to fulfill.

Primarily, the durable medical equipment must be necessitated by a particular medical condition or injury. This means it’s not just for convenience or general wellness but serves a purpose in treating or managing your health condition. For example, if you have a respiratory condition that necessitates supplemental oxygen, an oxygen concentrator would serve a direct medical purpose related to your condition.

Next, the durable medical equipment must be intended for home use. This is an important distinction as Medicare won’t cover equipment intended solely for use in a hospital or skilled nursing facility under this category. The device should be something you require for everyday or frequent use in your home environment.

In terms of durability, the equipment must be designed to last at least three years. Medicare wants to ensure that the items they’re covering are robust, resilient, and offer long-lasting service, which is why they stipulate this specific timeframe.

It’s also critical that the equipment is capable of enduring repeated use. Items that are disposable or intended for one-time use do not fall under the durable medical equipment category. The equipment must be able to withstand wear and tear from continual use over time.

Finally, the equipment must serve a medical purpose. In other words, it should be used for a medical reason and not merely for comfort or convenience. It needs to provide a therapeutic benefit to you due to your medical condition or injury.

Remember, these are the general criteria, and each situation is unique. It’s always advisable to consult with your healthcare provider or licensed agent to ensure you meet all the requirements for your specific circumstances. For more information, please call 866-MEDIGAP (866-633-4427).

Cost of Durable Medical Equipment with Medicare

Under Medicare Part B, which includes coverage for durable medical equipment, you’ll be responsible for paying 20% of the Medicare-approved amount for the equipment after you’ve met your yearly deductible. The deductible for Medicare Part B in 2023 is $226. So, after paying this amount, Medicare will then cover 80% of the equipment costs, leaving you responsible for the remaining 20%.

However, these costs can vary depending on whether you’re renting or purchasing the equipment. If you’re renting, you’ll pay 20% of the rental cost each month. If you’re purchasing, you’ll pay 20% of the purchase price. But it’s important to remember that these costs are based on the Medicare-approved amount, which might not be the same as the retail price.

Additional costs can come into play if your durable medical equipment requires servicing or maintenance. Medicare typically covers necessary repairs to keep your equipment in working order, as well as replacement parts. However, the 20% coinsurance and Part B deductible would still apply in these cases.

Understanding these costs upfront can help prevent surprises down the line. If you’re unsure about the costs associated with a particular piece of durable medical equipment, consult with your healthcare provider, or contact a licensed agent directly at 866-MEDIGAP (866-633-4427) to get clarity.

Purchasing vs. Renting Durable Medical Equipment

Investing in durable medical equipment can represent a significant financial undertaking, given the cost of these medical tools. Depending on your needs and circumstances, you may encounter the option to either purchase or rent the required equipment. Medicare’s policies play a vital role in determining which path you might take.

In many instances, Medicare opts to rent the medical equipment. This is particularly the case for equipment that you may need for a limited period, such as after surgery or during a brief recovery period. Renting the equipment can be a cost-effective solution that provides you with the necessary tools for your health without the larger upfront cost of purchasing.

However, if the equipment is something you need for an extended period or indefinitely, Medicare may decide to purchase the equipment instead. This is often the case for conditions that require long-term management or chronic care, where the cumulative cost of renting might exceed the price of buying the equipment.

An additional benefit of Medicare’s durable medical equipment coverage is the support for repairs and replacements for your device. If your equipment encounters a fault or requires replacement parts, Medicare often steps in to help cover these costs. This support provides additional peace of mind and financial relief in the event of unforeseen issues.

Medicare Advantage and Durable Medical Equipment

Medicare Advantage, also known as Medicare Part C, provides an alternative way to receive your Original Medicare benefits, often with some added benefits. These plans are offered by private insurance companies approved by Medicare and can have different rules for how you get services and how much you’ll pay. When it comes to durable medical equipment, the coverage provided by Medicare Advantage plans may differ from that of Original Medicare.

Under Original Medicare (Part A and Part B), durable medical equipment coverage is generally standard, based on the criteria we’ve discussed. However, Medicare Advantage plans have some latitude in how they cover these costs. While these plans are required to offer at least the same level of coverage as Original Medicare, they may offer additional benefits, which could include broader coverage of durable medical equipment.

However, it’s important to note that Medicare Advantage plans might have different cost structures, such as co-pays, deductibles, and out-of-pocket maximums. These factors could impact the overall costs for durable medical equipment.

Additionally, while Original Medicare allows you to choose any supplier that participates in Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans may have network restrictions. This means you might be limited to certain suppliers or need to follow specific procedures to qualify for coverage. Be sure to review your policy, so you know what the rules are.

Medicare Supplement and Durable Medical Equipment

Medicare Supplement insurance, also known as Medigap, plays an instrumental role in managing healthcare costs, including those associated with durable medical equipment. Medigap policies are designed to cover gaps in Original Medicare coverage, easing the financial burden of healthcare for beneficiaries.

While Original Medicare offers extensive coverage for durable medical equipment under Part B, you’re typically responsible for 20% of the Medicare-approved amount, known as coinsurance, along with any unmet annual Part B deductible. This is where a Medigap policy can step in to offer financial relief.

Certain Medigap policies may cover some, or potentially all, of your Medicare Part B coinsurance or copayment expenses. This means that the usual 20% you would owe for durable medical equipment, such as wheelchairs or walkers, could be notably reduced or even entirely paid for by your Medigap policy.

Just keep in mind that Medigap policies differ in their coverage and benefits, so it’s recommended to compare Medigap plans carefully before choosing one. Take the time to review each plan’s details and cost. That way you can ensure it meets your specific healthcare needs and fits your budget.


Fortunately, Medicare has comprehensive coverage for durable medical equipment. If you have any questions regarding specific medical items and Medicare coverage for these items, it’s recommended to discuss this further with your healthcare provider or licensed agent.

Additionally, Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans are a great way to reduce your costs for durable medical equipment. These plans can be purchased through private insurance companies that are approved by Medicare.

For more information about Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare Supplement plans, please call 866-MEDIGAP (866-633-4427). A Senior Healthcare Solutions Medicare expert will be happy to review your current coverage and help you explore suitable plans that would be beneficial to minimize your durable medical equipment expenses.

Meet Melissa MacCalla

Medicare is not simple and can be hard, frustrating, and downright confusing for most. I love when I get someone on the phone and I am given the opportunity to explain the difference in plans to them and have Medicare make sense. I enjoy talking to clients year after year, hearing about their families growing or them asking about mine.


Oh my gosh!! I was so confused about the Medicare Supplement process. I am turning 65 soon and am retired and have always had insurance thru my former employer. I didn’t know a thing about going on Medicare and was struggling to sort it all out.

A friend of mine recommended contacting Senior HealthCare Solutions, so I did. Melissa was FANTASTIC!! She was professional, responsive, caring and friendly. She explained the steps I needed to take, gathered my information, helped me choose good plans for MY specific needs and took care of my applications over the phone. 1-2-3, eesy-peesy and I was done!! And it didn’t cost me a DIME!!! WOW!!! I HIGHLY recommend Senior Healthcare Solutions for anyone who’s overwhelmed with making the right choices with Medicare Supplemental Insurance and Rx coverage. It’ll take a load off your mind!

Janice W.

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